Please enlighten me. This seemed so easy yust inherit from a Java class overwrite one method - done. At the moment I do not know how to proceed :-(( Jython or jythonc? ================== In general is it better to run programms with the jython interpreter or is it better to compile them first? I had the impression that the inheritance does not work with the interpreter. Is that right?
2.1 or 2.2a =========== The programm did not compile with the 2.1 version and Java 1.5. But with 2.2a it compiled but 2.2a is an alpha version. Assuming the programm would compile with the Java 1.4 version would it be better (saver, more stable, performance) to use 2.1 or 2.2a? Inherit from java baseclass or reimplement the whole thing in jython? ===================================================================== All the problems with Jython stated when I wanted to inherit from a Java baseclass. I wounder if I would have more success when implementing it in pure Jython. Regarding the inheritance I had an empty wrapper arround the Java baseclass and 70% of the unit test passed. But the performance was ~ factor 10 slower than using the base class directly. Does this mean that there is overhead with the inheritanc construct and that this implementation path would always be so slow. On the other hand would a 100% Jython solution be faster? Mark --