Mark Fink wrote:
> Hi Kent,
> many thanks for your help! In the meantime I received my "Jython
> Essentials" book and hope that I have much fewer questions in the near
> future.
> One last question for this thread. I tried to inherit from a Java class
> and override on method. I figured that this approach was nonsense
> because the method used private attributes of the Java class. Now I
> read that there is injection used in Jython. Jython uses setter and
> getter methods to do the injection, right? Unfortunately the Java class
> has no setters and getters for the private members. Is there another
> way to override the method besides rewriting the Java class or is this
> approach really doomed?

I don't know what you mean by injection in this context. But Jython has 
a property "" which may help - 
if you set it to false (on the command line or the Jython registry (see 
the docs)) then Jython code can access private members of Java objects.

It seems a bit of a hack but it might help you out. Changing the Java 
class to make the private members be protected seems like a better fix 
if you can do it.


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