>    write(sys.stdin, split(read(open(file, 'r')))[0])

So, if I got you right, the interpreter would have to interpret this
line like this:
1. Evaluate the first parameter of the first function (sys.stdin)
2. Look up the attribute "write" in this object
3. evaluate the first parameter of the split function ->
4. evaluate the first parameter of the read function ->
5. evaluate file (I guess this is a local string variable?)
6. try attribute lookup "open" on the string
7. fail -> call the global "open" function
8. lookup "read" in that object, call it
9. attribute lookup "split" on the returned object
10. call __getitem__(0)
11. pass the parameters to the write function from (1)

Is this correct?
My main problems are that you have to "guess" at step 6/7, and that the
order of evaluation makes me a little dizzy ;-) Also, member functions
seem to "shadow" global ones, what if I wanted to use some global
"split" function I've written myself instead of the string's one. If I
was mean, I'd ask you what this one does:
  class A:
    def test(self, this): return 1
  class B:
    def test(this, self): return 2
  test(self=A(), this=B())

The current call syntax at least can be read from left-to-right, and
you always know whether you call a member function or a global one.


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