On 2006-01-30, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> i was hoping one didnt have to initialize variables because perl
> defaults their value to zero.

Repeat after me: "Python is not Perl.  Python is not Perl.
Python is not Perl. Python is not Perl.  Python is not Perl.
Python is not Perl.  Python is not Perl.Python is not Perl.
Python is not Perl. Python is not Perl.  Python is not
Perl.Python is not Perl.  Python is not Perl."

> Also I noticed if I initialize a variable
> as 0 , then I can only do integer math not floating math.

Python is a strictly typed language.  Perl isn't -- Perl does
all sorts of stuff "automagically" by trying to guess what you
wanted".  I perfer languages that do exactly what I tell them
to rather than what the language's author thought I might have

> this just seems kind of backward as I am used to php and perl
> which dont require such strict rules.

Really, and Perl/PHP seemed so primitive and backward to me.  I
guess it's all in the perspective.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  Darling, my ELBOW
                                  at               is FLYING over FRANKFURT,
                               visi.com            Germany...

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