I second the suggestion of using Boo for this case. Why use Delphi or VB when you have a more "pythonic" first class .NET language? You already have a very good IDE for creating your project (SharpDevelop), which is free, open source and already has the Boo bindings included (download here the latest version: http://build.sharpdevelop.net/BuildArtefacts/).
Boo is a perfect language for someone wanting to develop Windows GUI apps because it has all the nice features and syntax of Python, while being specifically created to run on the .NET framework. However, if you still want to use pure Python, it won't take too long to get what you need. Ironpython is in version 1.0 Beta 2, and moving full steam towards a stable release. I'm sure that soon it will be integrated to Visual Studio. -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list