Sybren Stuvel wrote: > Claudio Grondi enlightened us with: > >>With [Strg]-[End] I went to the end of the file where I wanted to >>continue editing, but the syntax highlighting told me there is no >>code but only a comment. I checked it and found out, that Vim is >>apparently not able to do proper highlighting when jumping to the >>end of the file not going through other parts of the code before. > > > Vim does check parts of the buffer it hasn't displayed, but it only > goes back so much. Or would you rather have Vim check the entire > buffer every time you change it? > > >>Going back to the point where triple quotes comment begun (quite in >>the middle of the file) and back to the end did the trick to get >>proper highlighting again. > > > Apparently you quoted so much that Vim didn't go all the way back to > check. > > >>Apparently Vim syntax highlighting analyses only the code it has >>already 'seen' within the editing window. This is not what I expect >>from a mature editor. > > > Well, the problem is in your head, not with the editor. It uses sane > defaults to keep things fast. If you quote such a large amount of > text, wouldn't it be better to just store it in a text file? You could > also use the fact that Python joins consecutive string constants and > quote each paragraph: > > """Some text. > blablabla > """ > """ > Some more text blabla > """ > > It'll result in some more quotes, but when running your program it's > the same, and VIM will be able to highlight it just fine. The file I was editing was just 22 KByte large having 450 lines, so you try here to explain to me, that for speed reasons Vim has to cut it into pieces? Stani SPE based on Scintilla does it right, UltraEdit does it right, Wing does it right, so what, are we now on a 1 MHz computer with 128 KByte of memory for all the system and program files what would make such approach necessary? I want my file highlighted in a right way all the time and if it is too large to be highlighted I want the editor to give a warning - yes, the problem in my head is, that I don't accept bad and buggy software. I have edited enough files with the line oriented vi to know what I am speaking about.
> > >>I have stopped here, because I found this problem after three >>seconds of using it, so imagine how much other problems will become >>apparent after using it three hours, right? > > > Wrong. I have used Vim for years, and only found a few minor issues, > nothing more. Let us know about them, so that we know it too. > > >>Vim similar as Wing has no [View] menu entry one can use for >>changing the text appearance in any reasonable Windows program, so >>the ancient Unix/Linux is still there with the system font as >>default setting for displaying text... It looks as I were in a DOS >>box, not in a text editor on Windows. > > > I can do "Edit -> Select font" just fine... > > >>Loading a 100 MByte large file into this editor which pretends to be >>able to edit files of any size results in an Error. > > > Never had problems with that. But this is what I have experienced. Are you on a *nix system? I speak here about Microsoft Windows XP SP 2 on a 3GByte RAM equipped Pentium 4 and Cream-Vim installed by . >>I was not able to find how to do rectangular select/paste > > Control+V to do block selects. After that, just paste. > >>and there was no code folding for Python script code available. > > Yes there is - I'm using it. But is does not work out of the box for me with the download I have mentioned and I was not able to fix it as I tried. > > >>It was just waste of my time to try it out again. > > This is true for most things in life: If you go in with a negative > attitude and draw the wrong conclusions, you will only find what you > expected to find. > > Sybren Yes, I see your point, but with the increasing speed of the hardware and better software quality it is now possible to choose tools which are easy to use and don't have a steep learning curve. Best, I don't need any tutorial at all and can go with it directly. I am used to Microsoft Windows way of designing user interfaces, so I expect software running on Windows to provide what I am used to. The times where the user had to adopt to the software are over. Now there are all preconditions available making it possible to adopt the software to the user. What other editing tools have you already evaluated? I tried as many as possible including Vim before I decided to spend money on purchasing UltraEdit and inspite of the fact, that there are so many new editors there, I still see no chance to replace UltraEdit with any other editing tool and believe me, I would do it if it were possible, because I don't like closed source solutions. I don't like the way the menues of UltraEdit are designed and I have trouble to understand the text in the help file, because it is not strightforward from my point of view; I don't like, that one of the latest UltraEdit releases was buggy causing 100%CPU load and 2MByte of harddisk data traffic beeing idle, so I am looking for an alternative for years, but instead of finding it I was forced lately to spend money again on renewing my license. No, I don't think, that it was my negative attitude what kicked Vim out of beeing considered a mature editor for Python scripting purposes, at least on a Windows system - it were the facts I have described and the experience I had with other editing tools. Just evaluate yourself at least SPE and Wing and come back to tell here about your experience comparing them to Vim (do not forget to get rid of the negative attitude first ;-). Claudio --