"Tolga" wrote: > After a very rapid entrance into the Python, I have immediately looked > for a good IDE. Komodo and Wing IDE look very good and I think they are > enough. But now, I am searching for a Pyhton environment which should > look like Delphi / Kylix, Borland's C++ builder or Allegro Common Lisp. > I have found a plug-in named "Visual Python" and this name naturally > maked me happy. But is it really "Visual" and does it provide a WYSIWYG > rapid development environment? Has it drag'n drop buttons, checkboxes, > radio buttons, forms et cetera?
the product page doesn't mention any GUI editor: http://www.activestate.com/Products/Visual_Python/ but they have a free trial version, so you could of course always download the thing and check it out for yourself... unless you mean visual python, of course: http://vpython.org/VisualOverview.html which is something slightly different. </F> -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list