Maurice LING wrote:
> Tolga wrote:
>> After a very rapid entrance into the Python, I have immediately looked
>> for a good IDE. Komodo and Wing IDE look very good and I think they are
>> enough. But now, I am searching for a Pyhton environment which should
>> look like Delphi / Kylix, Borland's C++ builder or Allegro Common Lisp.
>> I have found a plug-in named "Visual Python" and this name naturally
>> maked me happy. But is it really "Visual" and does it provide a WYSIWYG
>> rapid development environment? Has it drag'n drop buttons, checkboxes,
>> radio buttons, forms et cetera?
> Please correct me if I am wrong. It seems that most of the python GUI
> builders require or is based on wxPython or others and not tkinter. I am
> using Mac OSX with Fink, so it is a real hassle for me to build wxPython
> and install it (haven't had much luck over the last 4-6 tries).
> So, is there any python GUI builders based on tkinter? Personally, I
> prefer to drag and design a screen rather than programming it abstractly.
> Thanks
> maurice

The best one is probably the one that ships with Komodo Pro from

All of the open-source Tk GUI builders that I have tried over the years
are difficult to use, unmaintained, or both. It's just simpler to write
Tk by hand.


Kevin Walzer, PhD
WordTech Software - "Tame the Terminal"
sw at

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