Zeljko Vrba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> An obvious defficieny of the current way we write code now is its inherent
> tree-structure resulting from {}, indentation, begin/end markers or whatnot.
> But the flow of code is often not a tree but a cycle.. Yet we are always
> dealing with a tree-like representation of the code on screen.

Except the the representation on the screen isn't tree-like, it's a
two-dimenional array of characters. You can, of course, interpret that
as tree-like structure. But you can also interpret it as generalized
graph, cycles included.

> I have no problem accepting that I'm in a minority. I have a problem with
> offensive people using my example arguments to riducule me.. While they
> even don't want to open their minds and accept that there might be a
> remote possibility that indentation is not ideal.

What surprises me is that people come in assuming that there must be
one language for everything and everyone, and that Python should
strive to be that language. Such a language doesn't exist, so there is
no such thing as 'ideal'. A language that might be optimal for one
person and task won't necessarily be optimal if you change either the
person or the task. Yet some people intent on forcing one language to
be ideal propose changing it to suit them, and then act surprised when
people who've tried their proposed changes in other languages and
found them lacking reject them.

Mike Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                  http://www.mired.org/home/mwm/
Independent WWW/Perforce/FreeBSD/Unix consultant, email for more information.

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