Antoon Pardon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in 

> Op 2005-12-11, Rick Wotnaz schreef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> Because you're accustomed to one set of conventions, you 
>> may find Python's set strange at first. Please try it, and 
>> don't fight it. See if your objections don't fade away. If 
>> you're like most Python newbies, you'll stop thinking about 
>> brackets before long, and if you're like a lot of us, 
>> you'll wonder what those funny squiggles mean when you are 
>> forced to revert to one of those more primitive languages.
> I think the suggestion that those who have some problem
> with how python deals with compound statements - obligated
> indentation, no end markers - are newbees, is getting
> stale. I am not a newbee and I have problems with it.
> I had problems with it when I was a newbee, grew used
> to it and even liked it at some point and now again
> have problems with it.
> Well problems is probably too strong, would prefer
> differently seems closer.

You're right that I should not have assumed newbie status, but I 
most often see posts complaining about lack of braces from those 
newly exposed to Python's way of doing things. The post I responded 
to considered whitespace indention a "design defect". I would be 
surprised to hear an experienced Python programmer say that, but 
maybe I'm just naive.

I am not a fanatic about structuring via whitespace. From time to 
time, code arrives at this group with leading whitespace removed, 
which makes me think it might be nice to have bracketing, so the 
original logic could (maybe) be recreated. That's most of the 
downside, though, and an artificial problem at that. It has nothing 
to do with Python, but with hostile software along the way. The 
upside is clarity of code (and a little less typing, too), and that 
makes up for the occasional artificial problem.


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