On 2005-12-07, Fredrik Lundh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>> if I run this on the Windows 2K box I'm sitting at right now,
>>> it settles at 100 for time.time, and 1789772 for time.clock.
>>> on linux, I get 100 for time.clock instead, and 262144 for
>>> time.time.
>> At least under Linux, I suspect you're just measuring loop time
>> rather than the granularity of the time measurement.
> Yeah, I said it was silly.  On the other hand, the Linux box is a lot faster
> than the Windows box I'm using, and I do get the same result no matter
> what Python version I'm using...
> (and in this context, neither 262144 nor 1789772 are random numbers...)

262144 is 3.8us.  That seems pretty large.  What do you get
when you do this:

import time
for i in range(10):
    print time.time()-time.time()

After the first loop, I usually get one of three values:

  3.099us, 2.14,us, 2.86us.

In any case, the resolution of time.time() _appears_ to be less
than 1us.
Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  Alright,
                                  at               you!! Imitate a WOUNDED
                               visi.com            SEAL pleading for a PARKING

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