Aaron Bingham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
[...ex-emacs user explains switch to Eclipse...]
> The killer PyDev feature for me is pylint integration.  Being informed 
> immediately when you mistype a variable name is a big timesaver.  Also 

I now find it difficult to mis-type variable names in Emacs, since I
have F4 bound to dabbrev-expand.  I also do standard things like using
query-replace when renaming.  Actually, something like dabbrev-expand
is perhaps the one thing I would find indispensible switching to any
other editor -- I wonder if Eclipse/PyDev has it?

(dabbrev-expand searches backwards in the current buffer to find
'words' that are completions of the word you're typing immediately
before the cursor position (then back and forth in all other buffers
if search in the current buffer failed...), until it finds a
completion; then you can repeat the command to cycle through all other
possible completions.)

> nice is the refactoring support (although this it is possible to 
> integrate BicycleRepairMan! with Emacs, I found it easier to use in 
> Eclipse).

Refactoring and the general 'semantic slant' certainly seems the
interesting bit about Eclipse (that and the fact that Emacs is a bit
old and hairy, and Eclipse is growing a big user base like Emacs).

Not entirely sure Lisp->Java is progress, though.



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