malv wrote:

>As "bicycle repair man integration" keeps popping up as a distinct
>feature of jave-based PyDev, let it be known that other IDE's also have
>For example, non-java Eric has had " bicycle repair man" integration
>for a very long time.
>Personally, in spite of intense programming in python, I've never
>encountered a real need for the bicycle gimmick.
Yeap, bicycle repair man is used by many IDEs (that's what it was meant 
for, right)?
As for refactoring, it is something you only miss after having used it 
(and yes, the one provided by bicycle repair man is still in its 
childhood when compared to tools available for java, but python 
compensates that in its ease of programming -- until a certain point, 
because if you had tools as good as the ones for java, it would make 
programming in python even more enjoyable). And sure, you can do it 
manually, but why bother when you have tools to do it?




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