Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> Cameron Laird wrote:
> >>You are missing the main idea: Java is by design a general purpose
> >>programming language. That's why all "GMPYs" and alike are written in
> >>Java - now wrappers to C-libraries. Python, by design, is glue
> > .
> > I don't understand the sentence, "That's why all 'GMPYs' and alike ..."
> > Are you saying that reuse of code written in languages other than Java
> > is NOT important to Java?  I think that's a reasonable proposition; I'm
> > just having trouble following your paragraph.
> replace "now" with "not" or perhaps "instead of being implemented as",
> and it may become a bit easier to parse.
> and yes, the proposition matches my experiences.  java heads prefer to do
> everything in java, while us pythoneers happily mix and match whenever we
> can...  (which is why guoy's "benchmarks" says so little about Python; if you
> cannot use smart algorithms and extensions where appropriate, you're not
> really using Python as it's supposed to be used)
> </F>

If you can't use C where appropriate, you're not really using Python as
it's supposed to be used? :-)


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