I believe Cheetah can do this kind of thing, Kid too.

Personally, I like Kid more. And you can take a look at TurboGears
which is a bag of tools (web server - cherrypy, template - Kid, ORM -
SQLObject) glued together in a pretty nice way.
Steve wrote:
> We are building a web app and the our backend is currently using python
> with php front end.  We would like to do everything in python but php
> for our front end is so easy to use.  We would like to use zope on our
> front end(no experience with it) can anyone provide any experience with
> this?
> >From what I can tell you can't just do
> <%
> #python code
> %>
> <title> some title</title>
> this is what we would like to do with session support and things that
> php provides?
> Steve


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