Mike Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Unfortunately, my tools don't - which is another one of the things I
> like about Cheetah: it doesn't interfere with my X/HTML tools. For
> instance, I edit attributes by asking the editor to let me edit the
> current tags attributes. It opens window with a list of valid
> attributes, along with type information about those attributes. I edit
> the list, close the window, and it inserts the required attributes,
> appropriately quoted, into the tag. I couldn't use that for py:*
> attributes without tweaking the DTD for each language I wanted to
> edit. Similar problems crop up with the other features that depend on
> information from the DTD.

What DTD do you use to write Python code?  ;-)

I can use my "HTML writing tool" with the XHTML, HTML, etc. DTD specified and
have it insert the tags for me.  The Python namespace allows me to insert
Python commands and still have valid (X)HTML output (at least tidy is very
happy with them).  After I have the mockup, with Python tags embedded, I send
the files to the webdesigners and they do their art. :-)

For one project we are using a lot of CSS and JavaScript.

But, as you can see with TurboGears, it's possible to do even more with it.

Jorge Godoy      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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