> Evening,
> Is there a decent way to get that help into vim? Or like showing docstrings
> or help that I get through pydoc on request? I've been working myself
> through a pile of vim macros/plugins but couldn't find even one which
> simplifies programming in Python. Further issues would be handling the
Hi Christoph,
Hi Vim users,

The last 5 days I´ve been working on a code-completion/calltips plugin for 
vim. It´s working pretty good but not finished yet. I will anounce the first 
beta version on this mailling list. I hope during the next week.

I recorded a swf-video so that you can take a look at the current status.
Link: http://www.tuxed.de/vimpst/video.tar.gz

Note that it is not necessary to generate symboltable files, etc. Everything 
is done "on demand". It is even possible to change the python implementation 
e.g. CPython, Jython, IronPython.

It is also possible to add some "special feature" interceptor. Currently this 
is working for SQLObject:
Lets say you have the class User and the attribute username is a alternate ID.
Then, the method User.byUsername("...") will always return a User object. 
vimpst checks this and provides a suitable help.




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