Christoph Haas wrote: > But Vim scripting looked even evil for me... and > I've been working with Perl for a decade. :)
Vim scripting is nasty, but thankfully you don't really need to use it any more. You can write all your code in python with just a one-line hook to map it to a key. On the topic, I did something like this that you might find handy; the end result is that if you type a = myfunc( then the arguments for myfunc are displayed in the status line. If you hit <F1>, then the full python docs (if any) are shown (I'm working on having that show surrounding comments/docstrings for followed functions, but that code is busted up something awful at the moment and I haven't gone back to look at it). It's a complete work in progress, it could be terribly broken. I'll try to get it more polished/functional and put it up on sourceforge or somewhere. The order of lookups for prototypes is as follows: 1. Try to follow tags; if there is a tag, grab the line in question (and any further lines until reaching a ":"). 2. Failing that, look in a help dictionary; I generated mine from the info version of the Python docs, using a simple Python script. 3. Fail and show nothing. A couple of caveats: 1. This uses the command area. So you either need to turn off "showmode" or set "cmdheight" to 2 or more; otherwise, the help text will be clobbered immediately by the INSERT prompt. 2. The help dictionary is a dumb idea, it should be in a gdbm file or something--right now it increases the size of a running gvim by 600KB or so after the first time I use the help function (and that first lookup is slow) because it's reading it a huge chunk of the vim docs. 3. The code abuses the preview window, which I don't care about because I never use the preview window for anything else. I would expect that the user-visible effect of this will be to close any preview windows you have open any time you type an open-paren. 4. It really works best in gvim; in a command-line vim it may recenter your windows and have other jumpiness. I tried for a while to figure out a workaround and gave up. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. Vim code (put in ~/.vimrc) function! DocParen() py vimrc.print_help() return "(" endfunction inoremap <F1> <C-O>:echo b:helpString<CR> inoremap ( <C-R>=DocParen()<CR><C-O>:echo b:shortHelp<CR> Python code (put in ~/.vim/ import vim def cur_x(): return vim.current.window.cursor[1] def cur_y(): return vim.current.window.cursor[0] def snag_help(current): vim.command("let v:errmsg=''") vim.command("silent! ptag %s"%current) if vim.eval("v:errmsg"): return "" vim.command("silent! winc P") help = vim.current.line.strip() if help.startswith("def") or help.startswith("class"): while not vim.current.line.strip().endswith(":"): vim.command("+") help = help + " "+vim.current.line.strip() try: help = help.split("def ", 1)[1] except: pass if help.endswith(":"): help = help[:-1] vim.command("silent! winc p") vim.command("silent! winc z") return help def print_help(): global docDict if not docDict: import pyhelp docDict = pyhelp.docDict currWord = vim.current.line.strip() for ch in " .": try: currWord = currWord.split(ch)[-1] except: pass help snag_help(currWord) if not help: try: help = docDict[currWord] except: help = "" if help.find("(self, ") > 0: help=help.replace("(self, ", "(") if '"' in help: help=help.replace('"', '\\"') shortHelp = help if len( == 1: truncate = vim.current.window.width-20 else: truncate = int(vim.eval("&columns")) -1 if len(help)>truncate: shortHelp=help[:truncate] vim.command('let b:helpString="%s"'%help) vim.command('let b:shortHelp="%s"'%shortHelp) --