Op 2005-11-04, Steve Holden schreef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Antoon Pardon wrote:
>> Op 2005-11-04, Steve Holden schreef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> [...]
>>>I suppose ultimately I'm just more pragmatic than you.
>> It has nothing to do with being more pragmatic. Being pragmatic
>> is about how you handle things with real life projects. It has
>> little to do with the degree in which you agree with the design
>> of the tool you have to work with. I would say I am more pragmatic
>> than most defenders of python, because when it comes done to
>> do my work, I just use python as best as I can, while a lot
>> of people here seem to think that every little criticism I have
>> is enough to go and look for a different language.
> No, being pragmatic is to do with accepting what is rather than wasting 
> time wishing it were otherwise,

Just accepting what is, is not pragmatic. Not much progress would have
been made if we just accepted what is.

> particularly when the "insane" behavior 
> was actually a deliberate design choice. Which is why it doesn't work 
> the same as non-local references in nested scopes.

That b.a = b.a + 2

works as a result of a design choice, that I can accept.

But IMO b.a += 2, working as it does, is more the result of
earlier design and implementation decisions than it was
a deliberate design decision.

Antoon Pardon

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