Well that looks quite nice, so I'll work that into my script.  Thanks!!!
That 1-tuple business was confusing me, and I was getting errors stating
something about converting an object, so as you can see, I was grasping
at straws.  

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Steve M
Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 2005 3:56 PM
To: python-list@python.org
Subject: Re: convert COM obj to integer

I don't know exactly what a COM object is, but those aren't them. The
win32com package takes care of converting everything to Python types.
The excel call returns a tuple of tuples. That is, the outer tuple is
the sequence of rows, and each such row is itself a tuple with one
member per column requested. Since you only request one column, it is a
one-item-long tuple, also called a 1-tuple. That is demonstrated by the
result of print'ing the list.

By the way, you shouldn't use 'list' as a name because it is also the
name of a built-in function. And it isn't a list anyway, it's a tuple.

Now, each number is in fact already a primitive Python object of type
float. (The asterisk is a unicode string.) So you want to convert the
floats into integers, and it looks like you want to round rather than
table = xlApp.ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Range("Q13:Q36")

converted_values = []

for row in table:
    value = row[0] #get the first (and only) item in the tuple
        value = round(value)
    except TypeError: #value is not a float
        value = None
        value = int(value) #turn the float into an int
print converted_values

By the way, if you wonder how I knew to catch the TypeError, I just
fired up the interactive Python interpreter, and typed this: round(u'*')


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