Tor Erik Sønvisen wrote: > Hi > > I need a time and space efficient way of storing up to 6 million bits.
The most space-efficient way of storing bits is to use the bitwise operators on an array of bytes: import array class BitList(object): def __init__(self, data=None): self._data = array.array('B') self._length = 0 if data is not None: self.extend(data) def __len__(self): return self._length def __getitem__(self, index): if index < 0: index += self._length if index < 0 or index >= self._length: raise IndexError('BitList index out of range') byte_index, bit_index = divmod(index, 8) return int(bool(self._data[byte_index] & (1 << bit_index))) def __setitem__(self, index, value): if index < 0: index += self._length if index < 0 or index >= self._length: raise IndexError('BitList index out of range') byte_index, bit_index = divmod(index, 8) byte = self._data[byte_index] bitmask = 1 << bit_index byte &= ~bitmask & 0xFF if value: byte |= bitmask self._data[byte_index] = byte def __repr__(self): return 'BitList([%s])' % ', '.join(str(bit) for bit in self) def append(self, value): if not self._length % 8: self._data.append(0) self._length += 1 self[-1] = value def extend(self, values): for v in values: self.append(v) > Time efficency is more important then space efficency In that case, you're better off simply using a list of bools. > as I'm going to do searches through the bit-set. What kind of searches? --