Thanks, I'm enjoying reading the article. So far I noticed how their select functionality is similar to our comprehensions, but can also take a statement block. ( no wars please ;-).
I liked the tabular output format for lists of similar items, with the automatic headings being displayed, e.g: msh> get-childitem | select name, extension, { if ($_.LastWriteTime.year -lt 2004) { "old file" } else { "new file" } } Name Extension if ($_.LastWriteTime.year... ---- --------- ------------------------- examples.txt .txt new file output1.html .html old file output2.html .html old file somefile.doc .doc new file I tend to avoid xml but their xml example below was succinct and relatively painless. Do python libraries allow a similarly readable version of their: msh> $x = [xml]"<zoo><animal kind='monkey'><name>Albert</name></animal></zoo>" msh> $x.zoo.animal kind name ---- ---- monkey Albert Their "Extract the title and author elements from every item in the tag" example is also impressive. Looks like an innovative new shell. - Paddy. --