Tuvas wrote:
> I am building a GUI interface at the moment, and would like to have
> support for displaying a jpg file, and a FITS file if possible. Is
> there any way to do this? My interface has been written in Tkinter at
> the moment, especially because of it's great portability, I wouldn't
> have to install the other interface software on every computer that I
> use (At the moment it is 3, and will signifigantly increase). I'd
> prefer to only use built-in functions, but if it can't be done, I'm
> willing to look for something else. Is there any way I can do this?
> Thanks!

For FITS file reading, an alternative to pCFITSIO is PyFITS 
I guess both need numarray...

gifImage = Tkinter.PhotoImage(file="file.gif")
ima = yourCanvas.create_image(xpos,ypos,image=gifImage)

is the quickest way to display gifs. My version of Tkinter (1.177)
does not directly support jpg, but with PIL that should be possible.

Ugly but quick solution (for Linux): produce gifs from FITS/jpg
files with os.system("convert") and feed them to Tkinter.

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