Sorry, I didn't realize you meant per-file.
However, Pythoncom supports both the interfaces
(IExtractIcon and IPersistFile) specified on the page
you referenced, so you ought to be able to implement
an icon handler with the Pywin32 extensions.


"c d saunter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Hi Roger,
>        Thanks for the info - I was actually interested in custom
> per file thumbnails rather than icons, but your message sentt me
> pouring through seemingly relevent parts of the registry - however
> what I need isn't there.
> Turns out I need to use a .dll shell extension as per
> shellcc/platform/shell/programmersguide/shell_int/shell_int_extending/
> extensionhandlers/shell_ext.asp
> Not so simple, and not (directly) a job for Python.
> Thanks,
>        Chris
> Roger Upole ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> : As you guessed, the icon locations are stored in the registry.
> : There's a key under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT for each
> : registered file type, with a default value holding the class name.
> : Under the class name, there's a DefaultIcon key that gives
> : the path to the icon.  Using python files an an example, you
> : have HKCR\.py with Default=Python.File, and under
> : HKCR\Python.File\DefaultIcon, you should have the
> : path to py.ico.  You can use the _winreg module to create
> : your own entries.
> :      hth
> :         Roger

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