
I use a python called twisted to run processes as you describe.

Twisted is an event-driven framework that brings a change in the
way that you look at things.

take a look at:


Good luck, hope this is useful,

jas wrote:
> Hi,
>   I would like to start a new process and be able to read/write from/to
> it.  I have tried things like...
> import subprocess as sp
> p = sp.Popen("cmd.exe", stdout=sp.PIPE)
> p.stdin.write("hostname\n")
> however, it doesn't seem to work.  I think the cmd.exe is catching it.
> I also tried
> f = open("out.txt", "w")
> sys.stdout = f
> os.system("cmd.exe")
> ..but out.txt didn't contain any output from cmd.exe
> So, how can I create a process (in this case, cmd.exe) on Windows and
> be able to read/write from/to it?
> Thanks

The greatest performance improvement occurs on the transition of from 
the non-working state to the working state.

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