On Tue, 25 Oct 2005 17:32:28 GMT, Dennis Lee Bieber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>On 25 Oct 2005 05:22:20 -0700, "jas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> declaimed the >following in comp.lang.python: > >> So it seems there is no good way to handle "interactive" processes on >> windows using python. By interactive I mean processes/commands that >> require user interaction, such as telnet or del (to delete a file or >> directory sometimes you need to confirm with a yes or no), date, etc. >> > telnetlib includes an "expect" method... > >> os.system gives the exact behavior, but you can't redirec the output. >> pexpect isn't supported on windows. Even with subprocess you can't >> handle all/most cases..since you have to do things like look for he >> prompt. > > That applies to any OS... If you have no IPC signalling mechanism >that the other process has completed an output phase and is now waiting >for input, you must scan for whatever is the "current" prompt. Even an >"expect" module is "expecting" to find something you had to specify in >advance. > > Heck... How do YOU recognize that an application running in a >command window is waiting for input? > > I suspect you do it by reading the output text and recognizing that >the cursor is on a line that looks like a prompt. The main difference is >that you have cognitive understanding of what IS the prompt, and can >recognize the differences between, say an [abort, retry, exit] prompt >and c:\junk> prompt. To programmatically handle this situation, you have >to code the logic to recognize the two possible prompts. > If I were going to do something on windows, I think I would look at creating a cmd.exe process and see if I could get ahold of its console by way of the windows console-related api, or I might try to write a limited shell of my own, but I'm not going to do it just for fun ;-) NT and descendants have all sorts of stuff for waiting for things and communicating etc. if you want to get down to the raw stuff, e.g., ---- GetQueuedCompletionStatus QuickInfo Overview Group The GetQueuedCompletionStatus function attempts to dequeue an I/O completion packet from a specified input/output completion port. If there is no completion packet queued, the function waits for a pending input/output operation associated with the completion port to complete. The function returns when it can dequeue a completion packet, or optionally when the function times out. If the function returns because of an I/O operation completion, it sets several variables that provide information about the operation. BOOL GetQueuedCompletionStatus( HANDLE CompletionPort, // the I/O completion port of interest LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesTransferred, // to receive number of bytes transferred during I/O LPDWORD lpCompletionKey, // to receive file's completion key LPOVERLAPPED * lpOverlapped, // to receive pointer to OVERLAPPED structure DWORD dwMilliseconds // optional timeout value ); Parameters CompletionPort Handle to the input/output completion port of interest. Use the CreateIoCompletionPort function to create I/O completion ports. lpNumberOfBytesTransferred Points to a variable that the function sets to the number of bytes transferred during an I/O operation that has completed and is causing the function to return. lpCompletionKey Points to a variable that the function sets to the completion key value associated with the file handle whose I/O operation has completed and is causing the function to return. A completion key is a per-file key that is specified in a call to CreateIoCompletionPort. lpOverlapped Points to a variable that the function sets to the address of the OVERLAPPED structure that was specified when an input/output operation that has completed was started. The following functions can be used to start input/output operations that complete using I/O completion ports. You must pass the function an OVERLAPPED structure and a file handle associated (by a call to CreateIoCompletionPort) with an I/O completion port to invoke the I/O completion port mechanism: · ConnectNamedPipe · DeviceIoControl · LockFileEx · ReadFile · TransactNamedPipe · WaitCommEvent · WriteFile Even if both of the preceding conditions (passing the function a file handle associated with a completion port and a valid OVERLAPPED structure) are met, an application can prevent completion port notification. To do this, specify a valid event handle for the hEvent member of the OVERLAPPED structure, and set the low order bit of that event handle. A valid event handle whose low order bit is set keeps I/O completion from being queued to the completion port. dwMilliseconds Specifies the number of milliseconds that the caller is willing to wait for an input/output completion packet to appear at the I/O completion port. If a completion packet doesn't appear within the specified time, the function times out, returns FALSE, and sets *lpOverlapped to NULL. Timing out is optional. If dwMilliseconds is -1, the function will never time out. If dwMilliseconds is zero and there is no I/O operation to dequeue, the function will timeout immediately. Return Value The GetQueuedCompletionStatus function's return value is TRUE if the function dequeues an I/O completion packet for a successful I/O operation from the completion port. The function stores valid values into the variables pointed to by lpNumberOfBytesTransferred, lpCompletionKey, and lpOverlapped. The function's return value is FALSE, and *lpOverlapped is set to NULL, if the function does not dequeue an I/O completion packet from the completion port. The function does not store valid values into the variables pointed to by lpNumberOfBytesTransferred and lpCompletionKey. To get extended error information, call GetLastError. The function's return value is FALSE, and *lpOverlapped is not NULL, if the function dequeues an I/O completion packet for a failed I/O operation from the completion port. The function stores valid values into the variables pointed to by lpNumberOfBytesTransferred, lpCompletionKey, and lpOverlapped. To get extended error information, call GetLastError. Remarks The Win32 I/O system can be instructed to send I/O completion notification packets to input/output completion ports, where they are queued up. The CreateIoCompletionPort function provides a mechanism for this. When you perform an input/output operation with a file handle that has an associated input/output completion port, the I/O system sends a completion notification packet to the completion port when the I/O operation completes. The I/O completion port places the completion packet in a first-in-first-out queue. The GetQueuedCompletionStatus function retrieves these queued I/O completion packets. A server application may have several threads calling GetQueuedCompletionStatus for the same completion port. As input operations complete, the operating system queues completion packets to the completion port. If threads are actively waiting in a call to this function, queued requests complete their call. You can call the PostQueuedCompletionStatus function to post an I/O completion packet to an I/O completion port. The I/O completion packet will satisfy an outstanding call to the GetQueuedCompletionStatus function. See Also ConnectNamedPipe, CreateIoCompletionPort, DeviceIoControl, LockFileEx, OVERLAPPED, ReadFile, PostQueuedCompletionStatus, TransactNamedPipe, WaitCommEvent, WriteFile, ---- And then there is the console stuff, ---- Following are the functions used to access a console. AllocConsole CreateConsoleScreenBuffer FillConsoleOutputAttribute FillConsoleOutputCharacter FlushConsoleInputBuffer FreeConsole GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent GetConsoleCP GetConsoleCursorInfo GetConsoleMode GetConsoleOutputCP GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo GetConsoleTitle GetLargestConsoleWindowSize GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents GetNumberOfConsoleMouseButtons GetStdHandle HandlerRoutine PeekConsoleInput ReadConsole ReadConsoleInput ReadConsoleOutput ReadConsoleOutputAttribute ReadConsoleOutputCharacter ScrollConsoleScreenBuffer SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer SetConsoleCP SetConsoleCtrlHandler SetConsoleCursorInfo SetConsoleCursorPosition SetConsoleMode SetConsoleOutputCP SetConsoleScreenBufferSize SetConsoleTextAttribute SetConsoleTitle SetConsoleWindowInfo SetStdHandle WriteConsole WriteConsoleInput WriteConsoleOutput WriteConsoleOutputAttribute WriteConsoleOutputCharacter ---- And that is a miniscule piece of it all. For sychronizing, there ought to be something in: --- Following are the functions used in synchronization. CreateEvent CreateMutex CreateSemaphore DeleteCriticalSection EnterCriticalSection GetOverlappedResult InitializeCriticalSection InterlockedDecrement InterlockedExchange InterlockedIncrement LeaveCriticalSection MsgWaitForMultipleObjects OpenEvent OpenMutex OpenSemaphore PulseEvent ReleaseMutex ReleaseSemaphore ResetEvent SetEvent WaitForMultipleObjects WaitForMultipleObjectsEx WaitForSingleObject WaitForSingleObjectEx BTW, """ The CreateFile function creates, opens, or truncates a file, pipe, communications resource, disk device, or console. It returns a handle that can be used to access the object. It can also open and return a handle to a directory. """ So it seems likely someone has put together most of the pieces already, just maybe not wrapped in a python API ;-) Regards, Bengt Richter
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