Hello All,

I have two modules that I use interchangably depending on the circumstances. 
These modules are imported by yet another module. I want the "importation" of 
these two alternatives to be mutually exclusive and dependent on the state of 
the "outermost module"

A diagram:

    mainApp ==imports==> aModule ==imports==> [oneMod | orTheOtherMod]

I want the importing of oneMod or orTheOtherMod to depend on the state of the 
mainApp. aModule is frozen, as are oneMod and orTheOtherMod. How might I 
accomplish this? I realize that this is a workaround for poorly thought out 
dependencies, but in my defense, have you seen just about anything else in 
this world (California Freeways, Tax Forms, A Flow-Chart of Human Metabolic 
Pathways, umm...whatever)?


James Stroud
UCLA-DOE Institute for Genomics and Proteomics
Box 951570
Los Angeles, CA 90095


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