James Stroud wrote:
> Hello All,
> I have two modules that I use interchangably depending on the circumstances. 
> These modules are imported by yet another module. I want the "importation" of 
> these two alternatives to be mutually exclusive and dependent on the state of 
> the "outermost module"
> A diagram:
>     mainApp ==imports==> aModule ==imports==> [oneMod | orTheOtherMod]
> I want the importing of oneMod or orTheOtherMod to depend on the state of the 
> mainApp. aModule is frozen, as are oneMod and orTheOtherMod. How might I 
> accomplish this?

I don't know what you mean by frozen, so maybe this is no good, but I would 
avoid having aModule look back at the state of mainApp. Instead use another 
module to communicate state. This could be a simple as

# in mainApp
import helper
if something:
  import oneMod as theMod
  import orTheOtherMod as theMod
helper.theMod = theMod

import aModule

# in aModule
import helper.theMod as theMod


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