Roedy Green wrote:
> On Wed, 19 Oct 2005 07:10:55 GMT, Alan Connor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote or quoted :
>>To all the shit-for-brains trolls that are polluting these groups
>>with this crap, which I haven't even bothered to read:
> A single thread does not pollute a group. It is trivially easy to
> ignore a thread.  If your newsreader does not support that feature,
> try an different newsreader.

The pollution *is* there, despite the possibility of individual screening.
The subject and the contents violates some basic nsgroup principles, such as
topicality. One to ten irrelevant postings do no harm. More than hundred -
become annoying. Cross-posting to 5 groups is bad. Please go away.

Claiming that this is an interesting, "great" thread is utterly silly in this
context. Shall Python newsgroup discuss the trial of Saddam Hussein as well?

Jerzy Karczmarczuk

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