> Kenneth McDonald a écrit :
>> For unfortunate reasons, I'm considering switching back to Win XP  (from
>> OS X) as my "main" system. Windows has so many annoyances that  I can
>> only compare it to driving in the Bay Area at rush hour (OS X  is like
>> driving in Portland at rush hour--not as bad, but getting  there), but
>> there are really only a couple of things that are really,  absolutely
>> preventing me from making the switch. Number one is the  lack of a
>> decent command line and command-line environment, and I'm  wondering
>> (hoping) if perhaps someone has written a "Python shell"-- something
>> that will look like a regular shell, let users type in  commands, maybe
>> have some of the nice features of bash etc. like tab  completion, etc,
>> and will then execute an underlying python script  when the command is
>> entered. I'm not thinking of IDLE, but something  that is really aimed
>> more at being a system terminal, not a Python- specific terminal.
>> Yes, I know that Cygwin is out there, but last I looked, they still
>> went through the Win command-line window, which imposes a lot of
>> restrictions.

You can look at ipython: http://ipython.scipy.org.  Its 'pysh' profile does
much of what you describe, and has a dedicated following of win32 users
precisely for your usage case.  It gets installed to your start menu under
win32 as a separate entry from the 'raw' ipython.

Stop by the users list if you have further questions.




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