James Stroud wrote:

> I propose that any time anyone suggests switching to Windows, the reasons for 
> such should be explicitly described, and not left to interpretation.

I propose that any time anyone suggests switching to Linux ...
I propose that any time anyone suggests switching to Mac ...
I propose that any time anyone suggests switching to Ruby ...
I propose that any time anyone suggests switching to Firefox ...
I propose that any time anyone suggests switching to Waxed Dental Floss ...

People should not feel *required* to justify their decisions to c.l.py, 
especially if they are not trying to evangelize that choice. (FWIW, even 
from the original post it's very apparent that he's dissuading people 
from joining him.)

It is true that giving the reasons for a choice will help responders put 
some perspective on it, and perhaps prompt a few alternatives, but 
c.l.py is not your mother, and shouldn't require you to justify the 
validity of your lifestyle to it.

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