i have reproduced the error in this code block #save values in edit self.FinaliseTill.SaveEditControlValue() if Decimal(self.parent.TillDetails[self.TillSelection.GetStringSelection()]['ChangeTinBalance'])) == Decimal('0'): #box must be checked before continuing if self.PlacedInSafe.GetValue() != 1: self.parent.Popup("You must place the till draw back in the safe","Till draw") else: #finalise the till draw if Decimal(self.TillFloat.GetLabel().split('$')[1]) != Decimal('0'): Prompt = wx.MessageDialog(self,"""The correct amount has not been returned from the till draw float to the main float! If you proceed please contact your manager""","Change tin doesn't balance!",wx.YES_NO) if Prompt.ShowModal() == wx.ID_YES: self.Submit() else: self.parent.Popup('You have an outstanding change tin balance on this till','Change tin')
i have NO idea what in there could be making it have such a strange error. it just says "error" when you try run it. there nothing terribly strange being done. -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list