Neil Hodgson wrote:

>Timothy Smith:
>>FYI i have located where the problem was. in the first if statement
>>there was an unbalanced ). now since when does python not give a
>>descriptive error for that?
>I see this with the arrow pointing at the extra ')':
> >pythonw -u ""
>   File "", line 3
>     if 
>== Decimal('0'):
>                              ^
>SyntaxError: invalid syntax
>    Neil
it is definately a bug in 2.3 when using the decimal module. i can 
reproduce it.

from decimal import Decimal
a = Decimal('0'

and when you attempt to run it you will get "error"

of course i do understand that decimal wasn't part of 2.3, but atleast 
now when if anyone gets that terse message they know where to start 
looking :)


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