On Fri, 30 Sep 2005 06:31:44 +0200, Fredrik Lundh wrote:

>> Looks like you must know every one of the base classes of the NotSoSecret,
>> whether there is some base class named Secret? And, if so, you must also
>> know these classes _implementation_
> that information isn't hidden, so there's nothing "you must know".  finding 
> out
> is a matter of writing a very small program, or tinkering at the interactive 
> prompt
> for a couple of seconds.

Which of course is only possible because Python does not hide information,
it uses semi-private attributes rather than secret private ones, and
allows close to full introspection.

Still, [EMAIL PROTECTED]'s point that you must know the base classes
is correct. It is *easy* to find them out (NotSoSecret.__bases__ should do
it), but if you don't you are taking a chance that your class name doesn't
clash with one of the bases.

In other words, this is a Gotcha, not a world-shattering disaster.



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