Paul Rubin wrote: > Dennis Lee Bieber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > >> Ah, but in the way of your code -- it is not "your car"... It is the >>car you supplied to someone "hundreds of miles away"... And they are >>perfectly free to open the hood... tamper with the engine programming, etc. > > > I don't understand what you're getting at. If they're free to edit > the code, then why should they complain about private variables? They > can change the declaration if they need to.
Similarly they can rewrite it in Perl if they don't like it being in Python. So what? Most people have *zero* interest in looking behind the interface of the code they use, whether it's an API or a GUI. Effectively this whole thread seems to have become an argument about what kind of boxes you can have around namespaces. For the vast majority who don't care the discussion will seem a little academic. Should namespaces be protected? The lazy Pythonista's answer to that question is: >>> import os; f = os.popen("python -m this") >>> for l in f: ... if "namespaces" in l.lower().split(): print l[:-1] ... Namespaces are one honking great idea -- let's do more of those! >>> [note that my laziness extends to the gratuitous introduction of a separate process to produce the source data. Can I claim extra points for that?] So it should come as no surprise to anyone that namespaces appear in many contexts in Python. So, why this sudden urge (you may wonder, if you don't think much about code purity) to have "private" and its buddies. The security police have arrived, and you can be pretty sure nothing much is going to be fun from here on in. Think about it: we have a language that has an eval() function and an exec statement, and people are concerned that some service consumer shouldn't be allowed to go poking around inside namespaces? What do we have to do, put up signs saying "do not stab yourself with a knife"? If people want control without discipline (which is effectively what private and the like purport to do) then Python just may not be your language ... Access to another object's namespace is almost invariably all-or-nothing in Python, which (it should not be overlooked) has introspection capabilities. With this ability to poke around in the bowels of the system to perform deep magic comes a corresponding responsibility: don't abuse the privilege, and behave in a disciplined (sort of) way. To avoid naming conflicts, Python provides a mechanism (name mangling) which pretty much guarantees that your names won't conflict with anybody else's, *even if you subclass a class whose methods use the same name*. This was a thoughtful addition, widely ignored by experienced programmers. It was never intended to stop people from poking around under the hood - simply to ensure that you wouldn't *accidentally* start poking around under the hood of a parent class's implementation because of a name clash. C++ and cronies are not introspective languages (Java is and, like Python, can mess about with its own workings; because of Java's many constraints this turns out to be much less fun than in Python, but of course Jython will give you access to many useful Java resources in a much saner context) and non-introspective programmers frequently recoil in horror when faced with the prospect of losing the training wheels :-) Given the denizens of this particular list/newsgroup I am sure I will be bombarded by a host of ways I could have produced the output of "import this" without creating a new process. So, to try and forestall various further expansions of this thread, let me produce a FAQ (which is clearly quite bogus, since I am still writing it) for this post. Q: It's inefficient to start another process. A: When I need to do it six million times a second I'll remember that. This was a one-off example. I have already wasted more time discussing this issue than I would have saved in the first thousand runs of a rewrite. Q: It isn't cross-platform. A: Well it runs on Windows, Cygwin and Linux, so it doesn't do badly. Q: You could have done it some other way. A: Please get over this obsession. There will always be more than one way to do most things despite the output from a simpler (but non-portable) solution $ python -m this | grep way There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it. Although that way may not be obvious at first unless you're Dutch. Note that word "obvious": nobody says you *have* to do things the obvious way. Q: Are you Dutch or something? A: No such luck. But I'm not Belgian either :-) a-voice-said-smile-things-could-be-worse-so-i-smiled-and-sure-enough-things-got-worse-ly y'rs - steve -- Steve Holden +44 150 684 7255 +1 800 494 3119 Holden Web LLC PyCon TX 2006 --