"Ron Adam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> Actually I think I'm getting more confused.  At some point the function
> is wrapped.  Is it when it's assigned, referenced, or called?

When it is referenced via the class.
 If you lookup in class.__dict__, the function is still a function.

>>> class C(object):
...   def meth(self): pass
>>> C.__dict__['meth']
<function meth at 0x0090B018>
>>> C.meth
<unbound method C.meth>
>>> C().meth
<bound method C.meth of <__main__.C object at 0x008E4688>>

I am not sure, without looking, how much of this is language definition and 
how much CPython implementation, but I think mostly the latter, as long as 
the inheritance tree lookup behavior is as specified.

Terry J. Reedy


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