>>>>> A M Kuchling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> The group of committers is a diverse group of people, and not every one of
> them uses a relational database; that effort would be better done on the
> DB-SIG mailing list, because the people there presumably do all use an
> RDBMS.  (Now, if you wanted to include SQLite in core Python, that *would*
> be a python-dev topic, and ISTR it's been brought up in the past.) 

I would definitely love to see SQLite included in core python. I am a Unix
systems/networking programmer myself. Just like the fact that everything
looks like a database programmers to most database, I've observed that the
reverse is true for non database programmers. In other words, most non RDMS
normally don't think of a database even the solution screams for a
database. I think SQLite does an amazing job in bridging this gap. 

> Agreed; python-dev has gotten pretty boring with all the endless discussions
> over some minor point.  Of course, it's much easier and lower-effort to
> propose a syntax or nitpick a small point issue than to tackle a big
> complicated issue like static typing.  

You have a point there :-). 

> Similar things happen on the catalog SIG: people suggest, or even
> implement, an automatic package management system, But bring up the
> question of whether it should be called PyPI or Cheeseshop or the Catalog,
> and *everyone* can make a suggestion.

My memory may not be perfect but I remember reading that Python 2.5's focus
is libraries and no language changes. If that's correct, I can understand
why core python folks are more interested in discussing language features
for Python 3000 ;-). Speaking of libraries, I haven't seen many discussions
on libraries in python-dev. Is there some other list with more discussions
on libraries?  


Ganesan Rajagopal (rganesan at debian.org) | GPG Key: 1024D/5D8C12EA
Web: http://employees.org/~rganesan        | http://rganesan.blogspot.com


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