This is what I created ScrollableContainers for. Its usage deviates a bit from standard Tkinter practices in that you add widgets to the frame attribute of a ScrollableFrameTk instance.
[1]twitter.abaf4b19.webp [2]ScrollableContainers For your use case, you could populate your list box and then put it inside that frame. I’ve not tested this scenario, so I’d appreciate feedback! Thanks. On 4 Nov 2024, at 21:28, Ulrich Goebel via Python-list <> wrote: Hi, I would like to build a class ScrolledListbox, which can be packed somewhere in ttk.Frames. What I did is to build not really a scrolled Listbox but a Frame containing a Listbox and a Scrollbar: class FrameScrolledListbox(ttk.Frame): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # # build Listbox and Scrollbar self.Listbox = tk.Listbox(self) self.Scrollbar = ttk.Scrollbar(self) # # configure these two self.Listbox.config(yscrollcommand=self.Scrollbar.set) self.Scrollbar.config(command=self.Listbox.yview) # # pack them in Frame self.Listbox.pack(side=tk.LEFT, fill=tk.BOTH) self.Scrollbar.pack(side=tk.RIGHT, fill=tk.BOTH) That works, so instances of FrameScrolledListbox can be packed and the tk.Listbox itself is accessible via an attribute: frmScrolledListbox = FrameScrolledListbox(main) frmScrolledListbox.Listbox.config(...) But it would be a bit nicer to get a class like class ScrolledListbox(tk.Listbox): ... So it would be used that way: scrolledListbox = ScrolledListbox(main) scrolledListbox.config(...) Is that possible? The problem which I can't handle is to handle the Frame which seems to be needed to place the Scrollbar somewhere. Best regards Ulrich -- Ulrich Goebel <> -- References Visible links 1. 2. --