On 04/11/2024 15:32, Ulrich Goebel via Python-list wrote:

> I would like to build a class ScrolledListbox, 

I assume like the one that used to be available via the Tix module?
It's a great shame that Tix is gone, it had a lot of these useful
widgets, but they were all wrappers around Tcl/Tk's Tix module and
that is the thing that has gone.

If you really want to replace it I'd suggest looking at the IDLE
code and see what they did because the IDLE settings dialogues
have scrolled lists and the IDLE guys have probably done a decent
job in building their widgets. (Based on the fact that IDLE has
had a tone of work done in recent years using ttk)

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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