So, this does not make sense to me in terms of the following snippet from the official python docs page:

"In Python, variables that are only referenced inside a function are implicitly global. If a variable is assigned a value anywhere within the function’s body, it’s assumed to be a local unless explicitly declared as global."

So, I would then assume that if I explicitly include a variable name inside the global statement, then even just assigning it a new value should update the variable in the global context, outside the function?

Unless this is something that changed from 3.11 to 3.12 - since that snippet is more or less referring to 3.12, but, don't think it was changed in any way?

Jacob Kruger
+2782 413 4791
"Resistance is futile!...Acceptance is versatile..."

On 2024/03/06 14:55, Jacob Kruger wrote:
Ok, simpler version - all the code in a simpler test file, and working with two separate variables to explain exactly what am talking about:

# start code

from datetime import datetime, timezone, timedelta

from copy import copy

# initialise original values

dt_expiry = datetime.strptime("1970-01-01 00:00", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M").replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)

l_test = [1, 2, 3]

def do_it():
    global dt_expiry, l_test # asked python to refer to global variables for both

    # assign new value immediately

    dt_expiry =
    print(dt_expiry.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")) # just to show new value has been assigned
    # grab copy of list for re-use of items
    l_temp = copy(l_test)
    # following line means l_test will later on retain value in global scope because it was manipulated inside function instead of just assigned new value
    # replace original set of values
    for i in l_temp: l_test.append(i)
    # add new item
# end of do_it function

# end code

If you import the contents of that file into the python interpreter, dt_expiry will start off as "1970-01-01 00:00", and, if you execute do_it function, it will print out the new value assigned to the dt_expiry variable inside that function, but if you then again check the value of the dt_expiry variable afterwards, it's reverted to the 1970... value?

If I take out the line that removes values from l_test # l_test.clear() # before appending new value to it, then it will also not retain it's new/additional child items after the function exits, and will just revert back to [1, 2, 3] each and every time.

In other words, with some of the variable/object types, if you use a function that manipulates the contents of a variable, before then re-assigning it a new value, it seems like it might then actually update/manipulate the global variable, but, either just calling purely content retrieval functions against said objects, or assigning them new values from scratch seems to then ignore the global scope specified in the first line inside the function?

Hope this makes more sense

Jacob Kruger
+2782 413 4791
"Resistance is futile!...Acceptance is versatile..."

On 2024/03/05 20:23, dn via Python-list wrote:

Please reduce the problem to a small code-set which reproduces the problem. If we can reproduce same, then that tells us something. At the very least, we can experiment without having to expend amounts of time in a (likely faulty) bid to reproduce the same environment.

Also, code is the ultimate description!

Perhaps start with a small experiment:

- after l_servers is created, print its id()
- after the global statement, print its id()
- after the clear/reassignment, print its id()

Is Python always working with the same list?
Please advise...

On 6/03/24 07:13, Jacob Kruger via Python-list wrote:
Hi there

Working with python 3.11, and, issue that confused me for a little while, trying to figure out what was occurring - unless am completely confused, or missing something - was that, for example, when having pre-defined a variable, and then included it in the global statement inside a function, that function was still referring to a completely local instance, without manipulating outside variable object at all unless I first executed a form of referral to it, before then possibly assigning a new value to it.

Now, this does not seem to occur consistently if, for example, I just run bare-bones test code inside the python interpreter, but consistently occurs inside my actual testing script.

Basically, in a file with python code in that am using for a form of
testing at the moment, at the top of the file, under all the import
statements, I initiate the existence of a list variable to make use of


# code snippet

l_servers = []

# end of first code snippet

Then, lower down, inside a couple of different functions, the first line
inside the functions includes the following:
# code snippet
     global l_servers
# end code snippet

That should, in theory, mean that if I assign a value to that variable
inside one of the functions, it should reflect globally?

However, it seems like that, while inside those functions, it can be
assigned a new list of values, but if I then return to the scope outside

the functions, it has reverted back to being an empty list = []?

The issue seems to specifically (or not) occur when I make a call to one function, and, in the steps it's executing in one context, while it's not doing anything to the list directly, it's then making a call to the second function, which is then meant to repopulate the list with a brand new set of values.

Now, what almost seems to be occurring, is that while just manipulating the contents of a referenced variable is fine in this context, the moment I try to reassign it, that's where the issue is occurring .

Here are relevant excerpts from the file:-

# start code

# original assignation in main part of file

l_servers = []

# function wich is initially being executed

def interact():
     global l_servers
     # extra code inbetween choosing what to carry out

     # ...

     # end of other code

     bl_response, o_out = list_servers()

     if bl_response: # just make sure other function call was successful

         l_servers.clear() # first make reference to global variable

         for srv in o_out: l_servers.append(srv) # now re-populate items

     # end code snippet from inside interact function

# end of interact function

# end of code snippet

That other function being called from within, list_servers() was initially just trying to populate the values inside the global list variable itself, but was ending up in a similar fashion - reverting to initial empty value, but, the above now seems to work, as long as I first make reference to/manipulate/work with global variable instead of just trying to reassign it a brand new value/set of items?

So, am I missing something obvious, have I forgotten about something else - yes, know that if was working from within an embedded function, I might need/want to then use the nonlocal statement against that variable name, but, honestly, just not sure how this can be occurring, and, it's not just with this one list variable, etc.?

If I try simple test code from within the python interpreter, using different types of variables, this does also not seem to be the same all the time, but, don't think it can relate to an iterable like a list, or else, just in case, here is the code snippet with all the import statements from the top of that file, in case something could be overriding standard behaviour - not likely in this context, but, really not sure what's occurring:

# import code snippet

import requests, time
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
import psutil as psu
import pytz
import bcrypt
from copy import copy
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
from dateutil.parser import parse

# end of import snippet

Thanks if you have any ideas/thoughts on the matter

Jacob Kruger
+2782 413 4791
"Resistance is futile!...Acceptance is versatile..."


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