On 2023-11-25 08:32:24 -0600, Michael F. Stemper via Python-list wrote:
> On 24/11/2023 21.45, avi.e.gr...@gmail.com wrote:
> > Of course, for serious work, some might suggest avoiding constructs like a
> > list of lists and switch to using modules and data structures [...]
> Those who would recommend that approach do not appear to include Mr.
> Rossum, who said:
>   Avoid overengineering data structures.

The key point here is *over*engineering. Don't make things more
complicated than they need to be. But also don't make them simpler than

>   Tuples are better than objects (try namedtuple too though).

If Guido thought that tuples would always be better than objects, then
Python wouldn't have objects. Why would he add such a complicated
feature to the language if he thought it was useless?

The (unspoken?) context here is "if tuples are sufficient, then ..."


   _  | Peter J. Holzer    | Story must make more sense than reality.
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