Just FYI, I deliberately chose that abbreviation for a sort of irony as for
some people college is about almost anything except learning and some people
think they are studs and just  party and ...

And I am very tired of gender discussions. Lots of words now include two or
even more genders. Women are often now "actors", not actresses. I see no
reason women cannot be studs!

But I learn from criticism. If I ever write a program like that and do not
feel like typing, will this do?

dents = [ ...]

Or will that not include students who happen to be edentulous?

-----Original Message-----
From: Python-list <python-list-bounces+avi.e.gross=gmail....@python.org> On
Behalf Of Chris Angelico via Python-list
Sent: Sunday, November 26, 2023 6:49 AM
To: python-list@python.org
Subject: Re: RE: Newline (NuBe Question)

On Sun, 26 Nov 2023 at 21:08, Michael F. Stemper via Python-list
<python-list@python.org> wrote:
> On 24/11/2023 21.45, avi.e.gr...@gmail.com wrote:
> > Grizz[l]y,
> >
> > I think the point is not about a sorted list or sorting in general It is
> > about reasons why maintaining a data structure such as a list in a
> > can be useful beyond printing things once. There are many possible
> > such as having a list of lists containing a record where the third item
is a
> > GPA for the student and writing a little list comprehension that selects
> > smaller list containing only students who are Magna Cum Laude or Summa
> > Laude.
> >
> > studs = [
> >    ["Peter", 82, 3.53],
> >    ["Paul", 77, 2.83],
> >    ["Mary", 103, 3.82]
> > ]
> I've seen Mary, and she didn't look like a "stud" to me.

That's what happens when you abbreviate "student" though :) Don't
worry, there's far FAR worse around the place, and juvenile brains
will always find things to snigger at, usually in mathematical
libraries with "cumulative" functions.



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