Hi All

My first post (repeated)

I am having a problem with PythonPath / sys.path

I have a dir where I keep all my current work, but I can't seem to add it to 
PythonPath / sys.path

When I try to import one of my modules I see

>>>import My_Working_File
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#0>", line 1, in <module>
    import My_Working_File
ImportError: No module named 'My_Working_File'

I have tried adding my dir in registry to the existing PythonPath 


that did not help, 

I tried adding PYTHONPATH as an enviramental variable, that also had no effect

(I did re-boot after these two tests)

If I go to the editor window and run (F5) any of my modules then I can 

>>> ================================ RESTART ================================
>>> import My_Working_File

without error

I can also (from a fresh start) 

>>> import sys
>>> sys.path.append(r'D:\Shades\Tools\Python\MyWork')
>>> print(sys.path)
['', 'D:\\Shades\\Tools\\Python\\Lib\\idlelib', 
'D:\\Shades\\Tools\\Python\\python34.zip', 'D:\\Shades\\Tools\\Python\\DLLs', 
'D:\\Shades\\Tools\\Python\\lib', 'D:\\Shades\\Tools\\Python', 
>>> import My_Working_File

I don't really want to go this route every time I start work, and more to the 
point I will need (to learn how) to add dir's to the path at times

I did search the net for an answer but only got what I had already tried

any pointers what I'm doing wrong (other than using windows '->) 


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