On 4/17/23 08:45, Rich Shepard wrote:
On Sun, 16 Apr 2023, Thomas Passin wrote:
Slackware isn't as straight forward in it's management as other distros 
(not standardized anyway). If this is someone elses install I would be 
cautious in using any advice I am providing, as it would be better for 
someone with familiarity with how they want the device set up to address 
the issues (such as if they prefer using some sort of package scheme or 
if doing everything from source is ok).
That being said, if you start from python source (as in overwriting what 
is currently there and doing a fresh reinstall), you can download 
Python3.9, then run
make install

after doing that, verify (python may still link to something old, that may be ok in this case, but good to note)
python --version
python3 --version
python3.9 --version

pkg_resources is inside of setuptools

so you would run
python3.9 -m pip install setuptools
(might already be there with the reinstall)

after that run

then run
import pkg_resources
import setuptools
to see if you get errors or successful imports

if they import successfully, attempt to reinstall meson and ninja against your fresh python install
python3.9 -m pip install meson
python3.9 -m pip install ninja

verify versions with
meson -v
ninja --version

Then follow the instructions of the meson package from there (you mentioned some sort of pulseaudio-equalizer, depending on your desktop environment, you may run in to additional issues depending on how your slackware is setup).

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