On Sun, 16 Apr 2023, Thomas Passin wrote:

It worked then because your path found a pip script. When there are more
than one Python installations, it can be unclear which one will get run,
depending on how the path got set up after the last version was installed.


I probably last used pip with a python-3.7 version.

To check your version of Python, run
python3 -V

$ python3 -V
Python 3.9.10

Then try to run pip:
python3.9 -m pip

$ python3.9 -m pip
/usr/bin/python3.9: No module named pip

If pip has not been installed (very possible on Linux), then you will need to get it. If python3.9 is not the system-upgraded version, then do an internet search for "linux python install pip". There's a pip website that has an installer for it. I never remember what it's called, so I always have to search for it myself.


I'll download the installer from ther.

If it appears that python3.9 *is* the version installed by the system, then use the system installer to install the right version of pip - as I said above, the package name can vary across distros.

It should have been installed with the upgrade to 3.9.10

Your message doesn't seem to have been copied to the mailing list. If you
don't mind, it could help other people if you copied it and this reply to
the list.

I always respond to the mail list if that's the 'reply to' address.
Sometimes I don't check the address used in my reply, assuming it's correct.



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