On Tue, 31 Jan 2023 21:00:53 +0000
Mark Bourne <nntp.mbou...@spamgourmet.com> wrote:
>Greg Ewing wrote:
>> On 30/01/23 10:41 pm, mutt...@dastardlyhq.com wrote:
>>> What was the point of the upheaval of converting
>>> the print command in python 2 into a function in python 3 if as a 
>>> function
>>> print() doesn't return anything useful?
>> It was made a function because there's no good reason for it
>> to have special syntax in the language.
>I think I saw somewhere that making print a function also had something 
>to do with being able to add extra keyword arguments like sep and end. 
>The syntax for printing to a specific file already seemed a bit odd with 
>the print statement, and adding extra arguments would have made it even 
>more clunky (yeah, I know ">>" is similar to C++ streams, but it looks 
>out of place in Python).

Why couldn't they just keep "print" and call the function , oh I dunno,
"printf" ? :)


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