On 1/27/2023 3:33 PM, Johannes Bauer wrote:
Am 25.01.23 um 20:38 schrieb Thomas Passin:
x = { "y": "z" }
s = "-> {target}"
print(s.format(target = x['y']))
Stack overflow to the rescue:
Search phrase: "python evaluate string as fstring"
def effify(non_f_str: str):
return eval(f'f"""{non_f_str}"""')
print(effify(s)) # prints as expected: "-> z"
s = '"""'
> def effify(non_f_str: str):
> return eval(f'f"""{non_f_str}"""')
> print(effify(s)) # prints as expected: "-> z"
>>> print(effify(s))
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "<stdin>", line 2, in effify
File "<string>", line 1
SyntaxError: unterminated triple-quoted string literal (detected at line 1)
This is literally the version I described myself, except using triple
quotes. It only modifies the underlying problem, but doesn't solve it.
Ok, so now we are in the territory of "Tell us what you are trying to
accomplish". And part of that is why you cannot put some constraints on
what your string fragments are. The example I gave, copied out of your
earlier message, worked and now you are springing triple quotes on us.
Stop with the rock management already and explain (briefly if possible)
what you are up to.