On 18/12/2022 10.55, Stefan Ram wrote:
Grant Edwards <grant.b.edwa...@gmail.com> writes:
Yes, fixed point (or decimal) is a better fit for what he's doing. but
I suspect that floating point would be a better fit for the problem
he's trying to solve.
   I'd like to predict that within the next ten posts in this
   thread someone will mention "What Every Computer Scientist
   Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic".

Thank you for doing-so.

More specific: https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/floatingpoint.html

Perhaps in the rush to 'answer', the joke is on 'us' - that we might first need to more carefully-understand the OP's use-case, requirements, and constraints?

The joke sours when remembering that this 'mystery' generates frequent questions 'here' (and on other Python fora) - not as many as 'why don't I see a pretty-GUI when I fire-up Python on MS-Windows?' but it is a more sophisticated realisation and deserves a detailed response (such as the thought-provoking illustration-code appearing today).

Is it a consequence of Python lowering 'the barrier to entry'? Good thing? Bad thing?
(we first started noticing this sort of issue in our (non-Python) MOOCs, 
several pre-COVID years ago: when we first started, the trainee was 
typically recent post-grad; whereas today we enrol folk with a much 
wider range of ages and backgrounds. It is likely that more dev.work has 
gone into 'the bottom end', than into new/higher sophistications - even 
given IT's rate-of-change!)

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