Get Outlook for iOS<> ________________________________ From: Python-list <> on behalf of Paul St George <> Sent: Saturday, December 17, 2022 6:51:17 AM To: <> Subject: String to Float, without introducing errors *** Attention: This is an external email. Use caution responding, opening attachments or clicking on links. *** I have a large/long array of numbers in an external file. The numbers look like this: -64550.727 -64511.489 -64393.637 -64196.763 -63920.2 -63563.037 -63124.156 -62602.254 -61995.895 -61303.548 -60523.651 -59654.66 ... When I bring the numbers into my code, they are Strings. To use the numbers in my code, I want to change the Strings to Float type because the code will not work with Strings but I do not want to change the numbers in any other way. So, I want my Strings (above) to be these numbers. -64550.727 -64511.489 -64393.637 -64196.763 -63920.2 -63563.037 -63124.156 -62602.254 -61995.895 -61303.548 -60523.651 -59654.66 ... Please help! --;!!Cn_UX_p3!guE_zPsjxMW4k6nHIdOqZbrt8SdjUC9GELXgSHatARIr2PrAYr6tXCmixkZGNocjsf9SKLduQFjZjM7tOeaQ$ --