On Fri, 22 Jul 2022 23:28:11 -0500, Khairil Sitanggang <ksi...@gmail.com>
declaimed the following:

>class Node:
>    def __init__(self):
>        self.NO = 0
>        self.A = 20
>NODE = Node()


        The convention is that ALL CAPS is used to indicate something that is
to be treated as a CONSTANT. Classes get capitalized initial letters. Names
of variable data is traditionally all lower case, lower case with _ between
"words" (eg: lower_case), or camel case (eg: camelCase).

>NODE.NO = 10
>NODE.NO = 20
>NODE.NO = 30
>NO1 = 20
>if NO1 not in NODELIST[:].NO  ???

        The [:], in this statement, just says "make a copy of nodelist". The
/list/ does not have an attribute named "NO". You have to ask for each
element IN the list.

        One convoluted way (I've not tested it) is:

        if len([node for node in nodelist if node.no == no1]):
                print("Found at least one occurence")

        This is a list comprehension; it loops over each element in nodelist,
making a new list if the element attribute matches the criteria. Python
treats 0 as "false" and if no element matched, the list created is empty,
so len() is 0. Anything else implies a match was found.

        Wulfraed                 Dennis Lee Bieber         AF6VN
        wlfr...@ix.netcom.com    http://wlfraed.microdiversity.freeddns.org/

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